
Gossamer Gear
Western Mountaineering
Six Moon Designs
Go Lite

Planning the CDT
The Trail Unites Us… Great site from "LoveNote" to bring hikers together!
Continental Divide Trail Coalition... CDT organization
Yogi's Handbook... just a MUST-HAVE
Maps... Maps from Jonathan Ley (download here)
GPS... GPS Data from Bear Creek Survey

Some CDT Hikers
Erin "Wired" Saver... PCT'11 & CDT'12, most popular blog!
Sunshine... PCT'11 & AT'12 & CDT'13, jungest Triple-Crown at the age of 13!
Trail Journals

Planning the PCT
Pacific Crest Trail Association... PCT organization
Yogi's Handbook... The PCT-bible
Craig's Planner... Perfecte online planning tool!
Hafemile's GPS+Maps... Maps and GPS (all you need)

Austrian PCT-hikers
Matthias Kodym
Sabi Schroll

Some PCT Hikers 2012
"Busted Magic"
"Corn Nut & Sniper"
"Dirty Brown"


  1. Hey Banana Pants! Guess I may be running into you again this year. I am hiking from Crazy Cook too this coming April. Hows the planning coming? Weighing the reroutes and alternates? Taking your Tarptent again? A new pair of Banana Pants?
    See you on the trail! ~Birdy:)

  2. Hey Birdy :-)
    I really hope to see you again! I will be at Crazy Cook the 25th… and you?
    My Tarptent got a friend, ZPacks Hexamid Solo. Still have to decide…
    New pair of Banana Pants are ready to go!!!
    See you :-))
